Products that Benefit Society

大规模集成电路’s lighting products use highly energy-efficient LED technology rather than less-efficient incandescent and fluorescent bulbs to generate illumination.

平均, 与传统的灯泡灯相比,led减少了80%以上的能源消耗. 旧的照明系统以热能的形式浪费了高达90%的能量. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, led大约95%的能量转化为光,只有5%的能量转化为热.

As America strives to become more energy-efficient, 我们的产品允许客户改造和更换过时的照明系统, as well as install entirely new LED systems, with technology that benefits society as a whole.

例如, many of our lighting solutions are used in classrooms and school gymnasiums to enhance learning and promote childhood health and wellness. 我们的装置也可以在美国各地的医院和医疗机构中找到. These products are critical to our healthcare infrastructure, 不仅因为它们使临床医生能够提供医疗护理, but because they enhance patient safety, comfort and eng年龄ment.

Engineering Energy-Efficient Products

在大规模集成电路, our commitment to innovation and engineering excellence helps ensure that our products are environmentally friendly throughout their life cycles. We are proud to say that our lighting products are among the most innovative and energy-efficient in the world.

事实上, if we compare the aver年龄 efficacy of every LED fixture sold by the company in 2022 to the combined efficacy of older bulb systems, 我们的产品帮助客户减少了高达67%的照明能耗.

除了, 大规模集成电路 has transitioned nearly its entire product line away from inefficient bulb technology to highly efficient LED lighting solutions. 今天, 我们的户外和皇冠足球即时比分照明产品与旧产品相比,可减少44%至90%的能源消耗, traditional lighting systems. 通过在我们的工厂和办公室使用我们自己的照明产品, we have dramatically improved our own energy efficiency.

Along with energy efficient LED technology, 我们的照明控制系统可以节省更多的能源, 提高安全性,帮助客户遵守照明法规和条例. 例如, our AirLink Blue wireless outdoor lighting control system uses photocontrols and motion sensors to reduce energy consumption and comply with various energy regulations, 包括加州第24条节能要求. 照明 projects than utilize 大规模集成电路’s control systems benefit from an additional 12% reduction in energy consumption.

Quality Performance

在大规模集成电路, 我们不断努力在业务的各个方面达到最高的质量水平. To help us meet and exceed our product quality goals, 我们在Blue Ash运营着自己最先进的UL认证测试实验室, 俄亥俄州和伯灵顿, North Carolina facilities.

We also adhere to strict quality standards, including UL requirements, and we follow our rigorous Quality 管理 System (QMS). 我们的质量管理体系部署在我们所有的照明工厂,并得到了发展, and is regularly evaluated, according to ISO 9001:2015 standards.

除了, 通过我们与设计照明联盟等行业组织的合作, the Illuminating Engineering Society, the International Dark-Sky Association, the National Electrical Manufacturers Association and others, we are able to discuss best practices that impact quality, including energy-efficiency, 新技术, manufacturing processes, materials and code compliance.

As a testament to our quality, we have had no recalls on our products and have ever received any notice of a violation for nonconformance with regulatory 标签 and/or marketing codes; nor have we ever been the subject of an enforcement action associated with false, 具有欺骗性的, or unfair marketing, 标签, 和广告.

A Great Place to Work

我们的核心原则是公平公正地对待所有员工. 我们相信,这使我们能够聘请到优秀的人才,这就是使我们成为一家伟大公司的原因. We work tirelessly to attract and retain the best of the best. With an aver年龄 workforce tenure of nearly 8 years, 我们很自豪能够成为我们行业中许多最优秀员工的首选雇主. Most of 大规模集成电路’s employees are employed in the United States; however, 我们在加拿大雇佣了大约60名员工,占我们员工总数的4%. 我们的加拿大员工主要为我们的加拿大客户生产产品.

As a responsible employer, 我们为不同背景和教育水平的员工提供具有吸引力和回报丰厚的职业机会.

除了 to providing competitive pay and benefits, including multiple healthcare options, life insurance and more, 我们努力营造一个鼓励创新的工作环境, teamwork and safety every day. From the executive office to the shop floor, 我们相信每一个团队成员在公司的成功中都扮演着重要的角色.

多样性 & 包容

多样性 and inclusion are woven into the fabric of our company and reflected in our workforce and Board of Directors. We are committed to providing a positive, respectful environment for everyone, and we actively recruit talented, motivated employees with diverse backgrounds, skill sets and experiences. 我们聘请第三方专家为我们的领导者提供多元化、公平和包容性培训. We are committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. 我们是一个机会均等的雇主,没有种族歧视, 国家的起源, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, protected 资深地位, 残疾, 年龄, or other legally protected status.

大规模集成电路 多样性 Facts

  • 我们仔细审查招聘广告和职位简介,以确保它们是用中立的语言写的, 我们使用外部平台对他们进行评估,以识别和消除有偏见的语言.
  • We conduct Equity-in-Pay reviews on a regular basis.
  • Women make up 34% of our workforce. 大规模集成电路照明 employs women at a rate that is 14% higher than the national aver年龄 for manufacturing companies.
  • 女性和传统上代表性不足的群体占大规模集成电路员工总数的58%. We employ Black or African American employees at over twice the national aver年龄 of electrical manufacturers.

多样性 in the Board Room

大规模集成电路拥有多元化的董事会,符合纳斯达克董事会多元化的目标. 百分之四十二(42%)的公司董事是多元化的, with two of the Company’s seven Directors being diverse by 性别 and one of its directors being diverse by 比赛 and 种族.


在大规模集成电路, safety is our number one priority, both for our team members and the consumers of our products. We take a structured and scientific approach to safety in order to help ensure that all of our employees end their shifts as safely as they started them. We provide exceptional in-person safety training as well as cyber security training to protect our employees.

2023 安全 Performance

安全 is a top priority at 大规模集成电路. Our total recordable incident rate (TRIR) or 2.2022年全年的制造业增长率为12,明显好于制造业的平均增长率3.2. Our days away, restricted or transferred rate (DART) is 0.78, while the national aver年龄 is 1.0. 该公司位于德克萨斯州休斯顿的工厂在OSHA VPP计划中获得了STAR评级.

Community Involvement

作为一个负责任的企业公民,大规模集成电路为其运营的每一个社区做出贡献. From local outreach to corporate charitable donations to a co-op program that gives high school students real-world job experience, 我们为能给他人的生活带来积极的影响而感到自豪.

Among other charitable efforts, 大规模集成电路 donated more than 200 of its American-made, high-performance LED light fixtures, including associated specification and other project services, to the Tri-State Warbird Museum – a historic WWII aviation museum and important educational asset located in Greater Cincinnati.


  • The Independence Fund, which helps America’s wounded veterans overcome physical, mental and emotional scars incurred in the line of duty
  • The Veterans Airlift Command, which provides free air transportation to combat wounded veterans and their families for medical and other compassionate purposes through a national network of volunteer aircraft owners and pilots
  • 大规模集成电路 does not sponsor a political action committee and does not use corporate funds for political purposes or advocacy. 没有任何公司的资金被捐赠给担任州长或竞选州长的人, 联邦, 或当地办事处.

Promoting Employee and Community Health

大规模集成电路相信在公司内部提倡积极健康的生活方式, as well as within the communities in which we operate. As part of that vision, 我们很乐意为所有员工提供免费的现场健康检查, including mammography screenings.

除了 to serving the Company’s business interests, 大规模集成电路作为美国匹克球的官方照明合作伙伴,促进社区健康, 美国匹克球运动的国家管理机构. The Company is also the Official Pickleball Court 照明 Provider for the Association of Pickleball Professionals (APP). Through these business partnerships, 大规模集成电路 can help make a difference in the lives of others by encouraging healthy participation in America’s fastest growing sport – pickleball.

It is also important to note that our high-performance court lights make the game safer without impacting the night-time tranquility of the surrounding community.


大规模集成电路 is committed to respecting human rights worldwide. 为此目的, 大规模集成电路 itself practices at all its locations (wherever located) and only works with partners and suppliers who promote the following standards at all their locations (wherever located) in accordance with applicable law:

  • 不分肤色,为各级员工提供平等的机会, 比赛, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 年龄, 种族, 国家的起源, 性取向, 婚姻状况, 宗教, 资深地位, 残疾 or any other characteristic protected by the law;
  • 公平、公正地对待员工是我们的核心方针.
  • We know economic growth is only sustainable when workers receive fair w年龄s that enable them to lead dignified lives. Our business flourishes when those around us are doing well. 确保工人获得维持生活的工资有助于支持经济和推动增长. We believe it is the right thing to do. 大规模集成电路的政策是提供超过法律最低要求的总报酬.
  • Prohibit employees from working excessive hours and providing appropriate breaks from work and providing a work environment that allows adequate time for leisure and rest, 包括法律规定的工作时间和根据当地法律规定的加班补偿;
  • Respect for the employees’ lawful freedom of association; recognition of all legal rights to organize and collectively bargain; and working with government and communities in which we do business to improve the education, 文化, economic and social wellbeing in those communities.
  • Water is a fundamental human right
  • The guarantee of free, prior and informed consent

大规模集成电路, after conducting due diligence, has determined that its activities and business relationships do not have any potential negative impact on human rights. 相反,我们开展业务的方式为促进人权树立了榜样.

大规模集成电路不会从使用强迫劳动的供应商处购买产品或组件, 监狱劳动, indentured labor or exploited bonded labor, or permit their suppliers to do so.

大规模集成电路 will not purchase products or components thereof manufactured by persons younger than 15 years of 年龄 or younger than the 年龄 of completing compulsory education in the country of manufacture where such 年龄 is higher than 15. 大规模集成电路’s suppliers shall not employ such children. 大规模集成电路 (i) responds to the Company inquiries in support of 大规模集成电路’s reporting requirements under Section 1502 of the US Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, 采取了采购无冲突矿物的政策和制度, (iii)要求其供应商采取类似的社会责任采购实践和政策.

If an employee has any concern regarding any Company practice they are urged to call our anonymous Hotline reporting system, which is prominently displayed at all our facilities.